Epic Kayaks

Friday, August 16, 2013

Learning to do Speed Work

Still here training with the Romanian girls. We've been focusing a lot on speed work. So doing a lot of 50m - 200m sprints with lots of rest between pieces. Ill admit this is not my forte, and not the type of training I was born into.  Coming from the Surfski background I've always had a knack for working hard for long miles and long hour until I feel total spent. 

So now, I'm trying to figure out this new style of training: speed work. Given my past training style, i never feel satisfied with a workout unless I feel that worn-down internal exhaustion. But with speed work, I feel a new kind of tired. It's a torn muscle, dead in the moment, but can go about your day-cardio wise, type of exhaustion. I'm learning to feel that, and even more importantly, I'm learning to push myself to this new kind of exhaustion. It's weird. I don't like it yet, because I haven't fully figured it out. But I know that's where my weakness is with this flatwater sprint racing; so I'm willing to work on it.

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