Epic Kayaks

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

On to Germany

Training in Germany now. I'm back in Magdeburg, Germany where I spent 3 weeks training lasts summer. This time I am here with only one of my teammates. Magdeburg is one hell of a club. As proven by past world championships, Germany is a top paddling nation. Within Germany, there are 2 top clubs: Magdeburg and Potsdam [this info could possibly be from a biased source]. They are interestingly relatively close in proximity and are classic rivals. Together, the two teams raise a huge percentage of the German national team athletes. Thus, this seems to be an awesome place to train; even their junior athletes are monsters on the water. 

I'll continue to train here until marathon world champs in two weeks. Now ahead of me, I have a lot of long distance paddling and running. I spent all summer training for sprint; so these next two weeks are really important for screwing my head on straight, back into marathon mode. This seems like the perfect place to do it. 

I'll do more adventuring on the weekends. Magdeburg is the home of the only water bridge in existence - a water bridge being a bridge carrying water over a body of water. So it's a river over a river... I don't see why it was such an issue to have a simple 4 way intersection on one body of water, but I guess they really wanted to build a canal in mid air. Regardless, I'm excited to see it! I'll take pictures. Here are a few in the meantime (green cheese):

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